Witness to existence

Magliano Sabina. The welcoming eco-hostel which in the past was the religious convent of Santa Maria della Grazia stands out in the quietest point of the hamlet with a panoramic view of the Valle del Tevere.

The structure has a wide availability of rooms to accommodate tourists, travellers, families and groups as well as various spaces for social, educational and entertainment activities, exhibitions, meetings and a small, appreciable library.

In one of those books the attention in its instances of concentration or contemplation in cognitive action and the understanding of meditation as a state of openness and testimony of existence in its entirety.

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«There exists in us something not experienced, something latent: it is the art of observing, of being impartial witnesses, detached yet conscious, present».

«I don’t divide existence into these old dichotomies: material dimension and spiritual dimension. There is only one reality: matter is its visible form and spirit its invisible form».

Locally【LIVE】View of Civita Castellana, a nearby location for arrival by train (Civita Castellana-Magliano station)
Via Windy.com